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283. Justyn, N., Callaghan, C. T., and Hill, G. E. 2021. A response to estimating hybridization in the wild using community science data: a path forward. Evolution

282. Powers, M. Weaver, R. J., Barreto, F. S., Burton, R. S., and Hill G E. 2021. Evidence for hybrid breakdown in production of red carotenoids in the marine invertebrate Tigriopus californicus. PLoS One

281. Hill, G. E. and Powers, M. J. 2021.  Ecomorphs are not species: the case of the Cassia Crossbill.  J. Avian Biology 2021: e02896

280. Parry, H., Yap, K. N., Hill, G.E., Hood, W.R., Gladden, L. B., Eddy, M. and Kavazis, A. N. 2021. Development of a mobile laboratory (AU MitoMobile) for measuring mitochondrial energetics in the field. The Journal of Visualized Experiments 174 DOI: 10.3791/62956

279. Hill, G. E. and Justyn, N. M. 2021. A response to Justen et al. 2020 Estimating hybridization rates in the wild: easier said than done? Evolution 75: 2145-2147.

278. Powers, M. J. and Hill, G. E. 2021. A review and assessment of the Shared-Pathway Hypothesis for the maintenance of signal honesty in red ketocarotenoid-based coloration. Integrative and Comparative Biology.

277. Gates, D.; Staley, M.; Tardy, L.; Giraudeau, M.; Hill, G. E.; McGraw, K.; Bonneaud, C. 2021. Levels of pathogen virulence and host resistance both shape the antibody response to an emerging bacterial disease. Scientific Reports 11, 8209.

276. Koch, R.E., Buchanan, K.L., Casagrande, S., Crino, O., Dowling, D.K., Hill, G.E., Hood, W.R., McKenzie, M., Mariette, M.M., Noble, D.W. and Pavlova, A. 2021. Integrating Mitochondrial Aerobic Metabolism into Ecology and Evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36: 321-332.

275. Zhang, Y, G. E. Hill, Z. Ge, N. R. Park, H. A. Taylor, V. Andreasen, L. Tardy, A. N. Kavazis, C. Bonneaud, and W. R. Hood. 2021. Effects of a bacterial infection on mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in a songbird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 94: 71-82.

277. Gates, Daisy; Staley, Molly; Tardy, Luc; Giraudeau, Mathieu; Hill, Geoffrey; McGraw, Kevin; Bonneaud, Camille. 2021. Levels of pathogen virulence and host resistance both shape the antibody response to an emerging infectious disease.  Scientific Reports.

276. Koch, R.E., Buchanan, K.L., Casagrande, S., Crino, O., Dowling, D.K., Hill, G.E., Hood, W.R., McKenzie, M., Mariette, M.M., Noble, D.W. and Pavlova, A. 2021. Integrating Mitochondrial Aerobic Metabolism into Ecology and Evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

275. Zhang, Y, G. E. Hill, Z. Ge, N. R. Park, H. A. Taylor, V. Andreasen, L. Tardy, A. N. Kavazis, C. Bonneaud, and W. R. Hood. 2021. Effects of a bacterial infection on mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in a songbird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

274. Heine, KB, NM Justyn, GE Hill, WR Hood. 2021. Ultraviolet irradiation alters the density of inner mitochondrial membrane and proportion of inter-mitochondrial junctions in copepod myocytes. Mitochondrion 56:82-90

273. Bonneaud, C., Tardy, L., Hill, G. E.,  McGraw, K. J., Wilson, Giraudeau, M.A. 2020. Experimental evidence for stabilizing selection on pathogen virulence. Evolution Letters 4-6: 491–501.

272. Hill, G. E. 2020. Genetic hitchhiking, mitonuclear coadaptation, and the evolution of mitochondrial genomes. Ecology and Evolution 10: 9048-9059.

271. Powers, M. Weaver, R. J., Heine, K. and Hill G E. 2020. Predicting longevity and lifetime reproductive success from early-life reproductive events. Marine Biology 167:147.

270. Gazda, M. A., Araújo, Lopes, Toomey, Andrade, Afonso, Marques, Nunes, Pereira, Trigo, Geoffrey E. Hill, Corbo, M. Carneiro. 2020. A genetic mechanism for sexual dichromatism in birds. Science 368(6496), 1270-1274.. 

269. Dowling, A. J., Hill, G. E., and Bonneuad, C. 2020. Multiple differences in pathogen-host cell interactions following a bacterial host shift. Scientific Reports.

268. Hill, G. E. 2020. Mitonuclear Compensatory Coevolution. Trends in Genetics 36: 403-414. 

266. Justyn, N., Callaghan, C. T., and Hill, G. E. 2020. Birds rarely hybridize: a citizen science approach to estimating rates of hybridization in the wild. Evolution

265. Powers, M. J., Wilson, A. E., Heine, K. B., and Hill, G. E. 2020. The relative importance of various mating criteria in copepods. Journal of Plankton Research 42: 19–30.

264. Gazda, M. A., Toomey, M. B., P. M. Araújo, R. J. Lopes, S. Afonso, C. A. Meyers, K. Serress, P. D. Kiser, G. E. Hill, J. C. Corbo and M. Carneiro. 2020. Genetic Basis of De Novo Appearance of Carotenoid Ornamentation in Bare-Parts of Canaries. Molecular Ecology and Evolution 37: 1317–1328. 

263. Powers, M. J., Hill, G. E., and Weaver, R. J. 2019. An experimental test of mate choice for red carotenoid coloration in the marine copepod, Tigriopus Californicus. Ethology DOI: 10.1111/eth.12976. 

262. Hill, G.E., Hood, W.R., Ge, Z., Grinter, R., Greening, C., Johnson, J.D., Park, N.R., Taylor, H.A., Andreasen, V.A., Powers, M.J., Justyn, N.M. and Zhang, Y, 2019. Plumage redness signals mitochondrial function in the House Finch. Proceedings Royal Society of London B. 286:  20191354. 

261. Bonneaud, C., Tardy, L., Giraudeau, M., Hill, G. E.,  McGraw, K. J., Wilson, A. 2019. Evolution of both host resistance and tolerance to an emerging bacterial pathogen. Evolution Letters 3: 544-554. 

260. Tardy, L, Giraudeau, M., Hill, G. E., McGraw, K. J. and Bonneaud, C. 2019. Contrasting evolution of virulence and replication rate in an emerging bacterial pathogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi: 10.1073/pnas.1901556116. 

259. Hood, W. R., Williams, A. S., and Hill, G. E. 2019. An ecologists’ guide mitochondrial DNA mutations and senescence. Integrative and Comparative Biology 59: 970–982. 

258. Martin LB, Addison B, Bean AG, Buchanan KL, Crino OL, Eastwood JR, Flies AS, Hamede R, Hill GE, Klaassen M, Koch RE. 2019 Extreme Competence: Keystone Hosts of Infections. Trends in ecology & evolution. 34: 303-314. 

257. Havird, J, R J Weaver, L Milani, F Ghiselli,  R Greenway, A Ramsey, A G. Jimenez, D Dowling, W R. Hood, K L. Montooth, S Estes, P M. Schulte, I M. Sokolova, G E. Hill. 2019. Beyond the powerhouse: integrating mitonuclear evolution, physiology, and theory in comparative biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 59: 856–863. 

256. Hill, G. E. 2019. Reconciling the mitonuclear compatibility species concept with rampant mitochondrial introgression. Integrative and Comparative Biology59: 912–924. 

255. Koch, R. E and G. E. Hill. 2019. Loss of carotenoid plumage coloration is associated with loss of choice for plumage coloration in domestic canaries. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:106. 

254. Koch, R.E., M. Staley, A. N. Kavazis, D. Hasselquist, M. B. Toomey, and G.E. Hill. 2019. Testing the resource tradeoff hypothesis for carotenoid-based signal honesty using genetic variants of the domestic canary. J. Experimental Biology 222(6), jeb188102. 

253. Hill, G. E., J. C. Havird, D. B. Sloan, R. S. Burton, C. Greening, and D. K. Dowling (2019). Assessing the fitness consequences of mitonuclear interactions in natural populations. Biological Reviews 94(3):1089-1104. 

252. Hill, G. E. and Zink, R. M. 2018. Hybrid speciation in birds, with special reference to Darwin's finches.  Journal of Avian Biology 49(9), e01879. 

251. Bonneaud, C., Tardy, L., Giraudeau, M., Staley, M., Hill, G. E.,  McGraw, K. J. 2018. Rapid antagonistic coevolution in an emerging pathogen and its vertebrate host. Current Biology 28:1-6. 

250. Weaver, R. J., P. Wang, G. E. Hill, P. A. Cobine. 2018. An in vivo test of the biologically relevant roles of carotenoids as antioxidants in animals. J. Experimental Biology 221: jeb183665. 

249. Koch, R.E. and G.E. Hill. 2018. Do carotenoid-based ornaments entail resource tradeoffs? An evaluation of theory and data. Functional Ecology 32: 1908-1920.

248. Staley, M, G. E. Hill, C. C. Josefson, J. W. Armbruster, and C. Bonneaud. 2018.  Bacterial pathogen emergence required more than direct contact with a novel passerine host. Infection and Immunity 86:e00863-17.  doi:10.1128/IAI.00863-17.

247. Koch, R.E. A. N. Kavazis, D. Hasselquist, W. R. Hood, Y. Zhang, and G.E. Hill. 2018. No evidence that carotenoid pigments boost either immune or antioxidant defenses in a songbird. Nature Communications 9:491.

246. Hill, G. E. 2018. Mitonuclear mate choice.  Mitonuclear Mate Choice: A Missing Component of Sexual Selection Theory? BioEssays 40: 1700191. 

245. Koch, R.E. and G.E. Hill. 2018. Behavioral displays depend on mitochondrial function: a potential mechanism for linking behavior to individual condition. Biological Reviews. (

246. Weaver, R. J., Santos, E. S. A., Tucker, A. M., Wilson, A. E, and Hill G E. 2018. Carotenoid metabolism strengthens the link between coloration and condition: a meta-analysis. Nature Communications. 

245. Weaver, R J., P. A. Cobine, G. E. Hill. 2018. On the bioconversion of dietary carotenoids to astaxanthin and its distribution in the marine copepod, Tigriopus californicus. Journal of Plankton Research. 

244. Hill, G. E. 2018. Color and ornamentation. In:  ORNITHOLOGY: Foundation, Critique, and Application. Edited by M. L. Morrison, A. D. Rodewald, G. Voelker, J. F. Prather, and M. R. Colón. John Hopkins University Press. 

243. Staley, M, C Bonneaud, KJ McGraw, CM Vleck, and GE Hill. In press. Occurrence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) from Arizona, USA. Avian Diseases.


242. Cuthill, I. C., W. L. Allen, K. Arbuckle, B. Caspers, G. Chaplin, M. Hauber, G. E. Hill, N. Jablonski, C. D. Jiggins, A. Kelber, J. Mappes, J. Marshall, R. Merrill, D. Osorio, R. Prum, N. Roberts, A. Roulin, H. Rowland, T. Sherratt, J. Skelhorn, M. P. Speed, M. Stevens, M. C. Stoddard, D. Stuart-Fox, L. Talas, E. Tibbett and T. Caro. 2017. The biology of bird coloration. Science 357:470. 

241. Toomey, Lopes, Araujo, Johnson, Gazda, Afonso, Mota, G. E. Hill, Corbo, Carneiro. 2017. The high-density lipoprotein receptor, SCARB1, is required for carotenoid coloration in birds. PNAS. 

240. Weaver, R. J., R. E. Koch, and G. E. Hill. 2017. What maintains signal honesty in animal color displays used in mate choice? Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 372:1724 20160343.

239. Hill, G. E. 2017.  The mitonuclear compatibility species concept. Auk: Ornithological Advances 134: 393–409. 

238. Ligon, R. A., Simpson, R. K, Mason, N. A., Hill, G. E., and McGraw, K. J. 2016. Evolutionary innovation and diversification of carotenoid-based pigmentation in finches. Evolution 10.1111/evo.13093.

237. Shultz, A. J.,  A. J. Baker, G. E. Hill, P. M. Nolan, and S. V. Edwards. 2016. SNPs across time and space: population genomic signatures of founder events and epizootics in the House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus). Ecology and Evolution 6(20): 7475-7489.

236. Hill, G. E. 2016. Mitonuclear coevolution as the genesis of speciation and the mitochondrial DNA barcode gap. Ecology and Evolution 6(16): 5831-5842.

235. Koch, R.E., C.J. Josefson, and G.E. Hill. 2016. Mitochondrial function, ornamentation, and immunocompetence. Biological Reviews (10.1111/brv.12291). 

234. Weaver, R. J., Hill G E., Kuan P L, and Tseng,Y-C. 2016. Copper exposure reduces production of red carotenoids in a marine copepod. Environmental Indicators 70:393-400.

233. Lopes, R. L., J. D. Johnson, M. B. B Toomey, S. M. Ferreira, J. Melo-Ferreira, L. Andersson, G. E. Hill*, J. C. Corbo*, and M. C. Carneiro*. 2016. The genetic basis for red coloration in birds. Current Biology 26(11), 1427-1434. *co-corresponding authors. 

232. Koch, R. E. and G. E. Hill. 2016. An assessment of techniques to manipulate oxidative stress in animals. Functional Ecology doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12664.

231. Koch, R.E., K.J. McGraw, and G.E. Hill. 2016. Effects of diet on plumage coloration and carotenoid deposition in red and yellow domestic canaries (Serinus canaria)  The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (2): 328-333. 


230. Koch, R. E., Wilson, A. and G. E. Hill. 2016. The importance of carotenoid dose in supplementation studies with songbirds. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89(1):61–71. 


229. Koch, R. E. and G. E. Hill. 2015. A millennium of stasis in avian ornamentation? Implications for sexual selection theory. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 8:70-75. 


228. Hill, G. E. 2015. Selection for reinforcement versus selection for signals of quality and attractiveness. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 8:67-69. 


227. Hill. G. E. 2015. Sexiness, individual condition, and species identity: the characteristics of prospective mates signaled by ornamentation. Evolutionary Biology 42 (3) 251-259. 


226. Koch R. and Hill, G. E. 2015. Rapid evolution of bright monochromatism in the domestic Atlantic Canary (Serinus canaria). Wilson Journal of Ornithology.


225. Hill, G. E. 2015. Mitonuclear Ecology. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32 (8): 1917-1927. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msv104. 


224. Ge, R., Johnson, J.D., P. A. Cobine, K. J. McGraw, R. Garcia, G. E. Hill. 2015. High concentrations of keto-carotenoids found in the Hepatic Mitochondrial fraction of a molting red songbird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88.4 (2015): 444-450


223. Balenger S. L. Bonneaud, C., Sefick, S., Edwards, S. V., Hill, G. E. 2015. Plumage color and pathogen-induced gene expression in a wild songbird. Behavioral Ecology 26(4), 1100–1110. doi:10.1093/beheco/arv055 

The Hill Lab

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